Kitchen Room

1. The kitchen should be in the south-east corner of the main building or flat.

2. The main kitchen platform should be in the east and the south-east corner. The platform should not touch the east and the south walls of the kitchen. It should be at least one to three inches away from the walls. We can also take a projection of 1 to 2 inches while constructing the kitchen.

3. Stove or gas burner should be in the south-east corner, a few inches away from the wall.

4. Adjacent to the kitchen platform, another L shaped platform, near the south wall for keeping micro oven, mixer, grinder etc. will be very useful.

5. The washbasin (sink) of the platform should be in the north-east corner as far as possible. Pitcher of water and utensils for drinking water should be in the north-east or north side.

6. Essential commodities like boxes of grain, spices, pulses etc. should be in the south or the west direction.

7. The entrance door of the kitchen should not be in any of the corners. Kitchen doors in the east, the north and the west are useful.

8. The gas burner should be in front of the main door of the kitchen.

9. There should be one or two windows or air holes in the east and the west direction of the kitchen. An exhaust fan in this gap is useful.

10. If there is a dinning table in the kitchen, it should be in the north-west or the west side.

11. Light weight articles can be kept in the east or the north.

12. Mezzanine floor in the kitchen should be towards the east.

13. While cooking, the face should be towards the east.

14. The color of the floor and the walls of the kitchen should be yellow, orange, rose, chocolate or red. However, it should not be black or white as far as possible.

15. A kitchen in the west direction can be tolerated. However, if the kitchen is in the north-east direction mental tension increases and one may suffer great losses. If the kitchen is in the south-west direction, life at home becomes difficult because of clashes.

16. If a freeze is in the kitchen, it should be in the south-east, the south, the west or the north direction. It should not be in the north-east direction. If it is in the south-west direction it should be a feet away from the corner otherwise it always gets out of order.

17. If the kitchen is in the north-west direction, the expenditure increases. Progress is reduced. There is a danger of getting burnt fire, hot water etc. a kitchen in the north is most dangerous. This being kubera’s place the expenditure increases like anything beyond expectations.


1. For a factory, plot should be square or rectangular in shape (at most 1:2). At least the south-east corner and the south-west corner should be of 90 necessarily.

2. On the south and north side, a tall thick wall of stone is necessary. At least in the south-west side there should be a stone wall. In the west and the north direction there can be a barbed wire compound.

3. In the north-east corner of the plot in the north or the east wells, borings, underground water storage's, fountains etc. should be located.

4. The transformer should be a little distance away from the corner in the south-east direction. Watchmen’s room should be adjacent to it. The go-down of raw material should be in the south-west corner. The main office, laboratory, management unit etc. should be in the west direction. Workers quarters should be in the north-west corner.

5. Dividing the plot into four equal parts (by drawing the east-west and north-south axis) the main plant should be located in the south-west part.

6. The water storage should be to the north-east of the main plant. This side should not be too high. The main plant should be sloping down step by step from the south to the north. Heavy machinery should be towards the south. Comparatively lighter machinery should be towards the north.

7. In the south-east corner of the plot, boiler, transformer and electrical equipment should be located. The raw material storage room, the storage room for waste material should be in the southwest corner.

8. The finished goods of the factory should be kept in the north-west corner. The delivery of these goods should also be made from the north-west corner of the north side. The overhead tank of the plant should be in the north-west or the west direction. Parking should in the east or the north. The main entrance should in the east, the north, the north-west, the south-east of the south but never in the south, south-east or the south-west direction. There is no harm if it is in west.